This is a Photo Archive of Minerals from Around the World.
This archive also contains a large selection of Swedish Minerals.
Sorted in alphabetical order. Many of the photos have been donated to Geonord.
Last update Mayl 2020
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Mineral photos of Swedish Minerals found on other sites.
Mineralbilder på svenska mineral som finns på andra hemsidor. Observera att om du inte öppnar en ny sida kommer Du att lämna GeoNord.
Andra länkar till bra bildarkiv.
And for the English public we have below a small link collection to sites with mineral photos.
Geonord has a separate collection of over 300 photos in the Education chapter. The text is unfortunately in Swedish.
Athena. A very larage collection of mineral pictures. 2011
The largest Swedish collection of mineral photos has now been published by Göran Axelsson.
Mineral Photos from Norway compiled and published by Hans-Jørgen Berg.
Mera mineralbilder från Smithsonian Institution. Museum of Natural History.
Fluorite Gallery. An impressive collection of fluorite pictures from around the world.
Graph Stock Photography. have pictures on nearly all known minerals.
Mineral Gallery has good collection of pictures.
Mineralogy Database has a large picture gallery.
Mineral Photo Gallery. Mineral fotogalleri från A. E. Seaman Mineral Museum.
Mineral Photo Gallery. Mineral fotogalleri äldre arkiv från A. E. Seaman Mineral Museum.
A large collection of high quality mineral pictures. En stor samling högkvalitativa mineralbilder både vanliga och tredimensionella (3D).
A nice home page with some good mineral pictures. En liten trevlig hemsida av Steve Smale med mineralbilder.
Rocks from Martin Friedlander's Micromount Collection. Mineral från Martin Friedlander's Micromount samling.
Rocks from David Michaels' Collection. Mineral från David Michaels' samling.
Rocks from Bob's Collection. Mineral från Bob's samling.
Rocks from Stuart Wilensky's Collection. Mineral från Stuart Wilensky's samling.
Rocks from George Campbell's Collection. Mineral från George Campbell's samlingar.
Rocks from Ron Zeilstra's Collection. Mineral från Ron Zeilstra's samling.
Mineral Museum. The Hall of Fame Room med många ypperliga mineralbilder.
Antti (ägare av Geonord sedan 23 år) säljer ut sin mineralsamling. Mineralerna kommer från hela världen.
Priserna är vad jag betalade för 20 år sedan.